Thursday, November 30, 2017

Position Paper Outline

Dear Delegates:

As you know, the major research and written work required of a delegate PRIOR to competing in Global Classrooms is the Position Paper. Since the position paper is completed as a delegation (or as a pair), you have to decide WHO in the pair does WHAT. For example, you can do the whole worksheet together, or split it into parts and discuss with one another - that’s up to you!

  • Now that you have practiced writing a Personal Position paper, we will outline the actual paper we are using for the conference.
  • An outline is an essential part of a research paper, because 1) it helps you organize your ideas, and 2) is a skeleton for the paper you will write afterward!


  1. For each section, list relevant facts and statistics that you would include in your position paper about the topic and your country.
  2. For each section, indicate which sources you used to find your information (on this outline, you can simply include the link, we will create the full citation later)
  3. Bring a printed copy to class on Monday, December 4. You MUST bring it to class. Only 1 completed outline is needed per delegation.

  1. Outline Worksheet (in case you are absent/lose yours)
  2. Resources;
    1. Paragraphs 1 and 3: use the Topic Guide to help you!
    2. Intro to Topic Powerpoint
    3. Handouts in Class
    4. YOUR completed Country Research sheet

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