
Dear Delegates,

In order to conduct quality research, you may find information of your assigned country in the recommended websites here:

Generally Useful Websites: You want to start here!

U.N. Member States  Find your United Nations member state (i.e. country) and click on its website.
Country Reports Great website to learn several facts about your country.
InfoPlease Countries Wonderful source with succinctly communicated information.
Central Intelligence Agency: World Fact Book Accurate statistics about your country--from the CIA!
BBC News Full guides on your specific country. You must know what continent your country is on!
Global Edge  Visual presentation of facts about your country. Created by Michigan St. University.

Citing Sources: If you do not cite your sources, you are plagarizing. You will get a 0/10 unless you state where you get your information from!

EasyBib (for your Works Cited) Simply copy + paste the links to the websites you use while researching. See the Research presentation under the PowerPoints tab if you need an example.

Additional Websites (may be helpful or not, depending on your country)

A collection of various websites.

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